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State of the Union ThreadViews: 570
Jan 24, 2007 1:22 amState of the Union Thread#

Danielle (Dani) Cutler
In 2002, Bush's ratings were at 84% for the SOTU.

Now they are at 34%.

How can he hold his head up high? What does he have to be proud of? Honestly, no one should even attend this speech.

So- he's bringing up the environment and education. Too little too late, if you ask me.

Any bets on if 9/11 will be brought up?


Private Reply to Danielle (Dani) Cutler

Jan 24, 2007 1:39 amre: State of the Union Thread#

Danielle (Dani) Cutler
A primer from The Daily show:


Private Reply to Danielle (Dani) Cutler

Jan 24, 2007 2:49 amre: re: State of the Union Thread#

Danielle (Dani) Cutler

What a freak show this thing is. I fell asleep, then when I woke up I thought I had gone back in time a bit because he was repeating the troop escalation stuff.

Has he said anything worth backing up the Tivo for?

Private Reply to Danielle (Dani) Cutler

Jan 24, 2007 7:56 amre: re: re: State of the Union Thread#

I did even better. I found a sound effect in Rainbow Six: Vegas and slept like a baby.

Six and a half hours. But I am glad I took this alternative.

I'll catch the shitbag on c-span to be sure.

Now at this point in time the state of the union address, that should have been given to the sound of crickets.

Could there have possibly been a standing ovation, and for WHAT? What could he have said that was anything new.

Quickly I did see Anderson Cooper and a republican strategist saying that of course Bush did a good job. How is that possible?

And he again jabbed democrats by in short denouncing them by calling them the democrat party rather then the democratic party.

With that I ask why? And is dissing the majority a good idea. In either case, Bush is a loss, should be deemed as such, and move on with new leadership.

I really do not know what is wrong with this country. What can they possibly be afraid of to censure and impeach this man.

Surely the alternative to let him be has to be apparent.



Private Reply to -=Topper=-

Jan 24, 2007 9:19 amre: re: re: re: State of the Union Thread#

Danielle (Dani) Cutler
Commentary: Sixty minutes of hell

By Matt Stearns
McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON - This was Congress as the high-school cafeteria it is. They all filed in, the House members geeky freshmen trying to get eye contact and handshakes from the upper-classmen senators. President Bush? He's the varsity quarterback sauntering ever-cool down the hall, signing autographs, not an apparent care in the world. Knowing they hate him, not caring a whit.

Even Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia, who went to the President's House a few weeks back and told President Bush off to his face, even that feisty leatherneck was tame, delivering a snoozy "Democratic response" when we'd all rather see him do his Senator Rambo thing and bring the crazy. Opportunity lost.

Here's news: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the head cheerleader, sat in the big leather chair behind the quarterback. Talking about her dad was classy move by Bush.

Aside: Yes, we know we're not supposed to write about a female politician's clothes. But still: Love the cool mint green, Madame Speaker! Is that a message of some sort: Dick Cheney = dark; Nancy Pelosi = light?

Poor Cheney, the football coach. First John McCain complained that Bush let Cheney call all the plays. Then the waterboy, Scooter Libby, claimed it was Cheney who told him to put steroids in the bucket. At least Denny Hastert, hulky and bulky with his quivery chins and skewed eyeglasses, used to make Coach Cheney look downright virile. Pelosi up there, all stylish hair and high cheekbones, beside her Cheney looked�well, like a grumpy 60-something with a bum ticker up past his bedtime. Except for the flash purple tie. Maybe Lynne made him do it.

Bush: Despite the talk of "big things," there are definite signs of lowered aspirations as the lameness of his duckhood quacks. Cuba, Belarus and Burma? What's that, the Axis of Pretty Bad? What are the consequences of failure in Burma?

Earmark reform, junk lawsuits, a balanced budget (Wasn't it Cheney who said Reagan proved deficits don't matter? Yeah, thought so). Iraq? That took a while to get to. And didn't get much applause.

There's John Kerry, old Chauncey Windbag, looking tanned and richly pleased with himself, and clearly contemplating whether in 2008, America will at long last be ready for a president who wears pastel ties with cute little sailboats on them.

He's one of a dozen or so in the chamber who envision themselves up there behind the podium in just two years - (that's why they all clap! It could be them up there someday! Except Dennis Kucinich: No chance. Ever.).

Think Bush isn't a lame duck? Watch the cameras lovingly linger on Obama, McCain, Clinton. At this point, it's like the last years of an aging show. TV needs new!

Over. And you thought 60 minutes of hell referred to a full court-press style of basketball? Well, it could be worse. Bush and Joe Lieberman could have kissed again.


Text of speech:

Private Reply to Danielle (Dani) Cutler

Jan 24, 2007 9:24 amBig Oil, Big Brother Win Big in the State of the Union#

Danielle (Dani) Cutler
Off the Rails: Big Oil, Big Brother Win Big in the State of the Union
Published by Greg Palast January 24th, 2007 in Articles

by Greg Palast
Tuesday, 23 January, 2006

There was that tongue again. When the President lies he’s got this weird nervous tick: He sticks the tip of his tongue out between his lips. Like a little boy who knows he’s fibbing. Like a snake licking a rat.

In his State of the Union tonight the President did his tongue thing 124 times — my kids kept count.

But it wasn’t all rat-licking lies.

Most pundits concentrated on Iraq and wacky health insurance stuff. But that’s just bubbles and blather. The real agenda is in the small stuff. The little razors in the policy apple, the nasty little pieces of policy shrapnel that whiz by between the appearances of the Presidential tongue.

First, there was the announcement the regime will, “give employers the tools to verify the legal status of their workers.” In case you missed that one, the President is talking about creating a federal citizen profile database.

There’s a problem with that idea. It’s against the law. The law in question is the United States Constitution. The Founding Fathers thought the government had no right to keep track on a citizen unless there is evidence they have committed, or planned to commit, a crime.

But the Founding Fathers didn’t imagine there were millions and billions of dollars to be made by private contractors ready to perform this KGB operation for the Department of Homeland Security, tracking each and every one of us to keep tabs on our “status.”

These work databases will tie into “voter verification” databases required by the Help America Vote Act. And these will tie to the databases on citizenship and so on.

Will Big Brother abuse these snoop lists? The biggest purveyor of such hit lists is Choice Point, Inc. – those characters who, before the 2000 election, helped Jeb Bush purge innocent voters as “felons” from Florida voter rolls. Will they abuse the new super-lists? Does Dick Cheney shoot in the woods?

There were several other little IEDs (improvised execrable policy devices) planted in the State of the Union. Did you catch the one about doubling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? If you’re unfamiliar with the SPR, it is supposed to be the stash of oil we keep in case the price of crude gets too high.

Well, the price of oil has been horribly high but Dick Cheney, the official who sits on the Reserve’s spigots, has refused to release the oil into the market.

Instead of unleashing the Reserve and busting Big Oil’s price gouging Bush will double the Reserve, which will require buying three-quarters of a billion barrels of oil. This is a nice $40 billion pay-out to Big Oil from the US Treasury. Compare this to the President’s health insurance plan which will be “revenue neutral” — that is, have a net investment of zero.

But the $40 billion in loot the oilmen will get from us taxpayers for doubling the Reserve is nothing compared to the boost in the worldwide price of crude caused by this massive, mad purchase. While the Congressional audience didn’t even bother polite applause for the reserve purchase plan, there’s no doubt they were whooping it up in Saudi Arabia. Clearly, the state of the Saudi-Bush union is still pretty good.

But why end on a cynical note? I must admit I was moved by the President’s praise of Wesley Autrey, a New Yorker who, last month, threw himself on top of a man who had fallen on subway tracks — and held him between the track rails as the train passed over them.

While the President properly acknowledged Autrey’s courage in saving the man who fell on the subway tracks, Mr. Bush still did not explain why Dick Cheney pushed the man in the first place.


Private Reply to Danielle (Dani) Cutler

Jan 24, 2007 10:36 amre: Big Oil, Big Brother Win Big in the State of the Union#

Frederick A. Babb
Wow Dani, I'm stun, shocked, yea surprised. Bush's ratings is back up to 34%?

Private Reply to Frederick A. Babb

Jan 24, 2007 11:53 amre: re: Big Oil, Big Brother Win Big in the State of the Union#


Bush talked of rebuilding Iraq. What did he miss? Rebuilding New Orleans.

And he talks of national security. He too has no faith in our military and defense systems at home.

But as we all know, if either he or Cheney had taken the time to think of national security when it mattered, well we would be speaking in different terms today.

But I do give credit to those that tried. And they did, but they found nobody home to take the call, and make a call on our behalf.

Anyway on the message, now he has to sell it. Which is really sad. He is like a car maker, they create a prototype and then hope to sell it to the market.

But he isn't a car maker, he is to some a president, but he never gets around to making his proposals happen, but more time wasted selling them.

In short, when will he ever get around to being what some think of him, president?

It is too late to even pertain to be relevant.

Check toppers-tap.com
for details.


Private Reply to -=Topper=-

Jan 24, 2007 4:18 pmre: re: re: Big Oil, Big Brother Win Big in the State of the Union#

greg cryns

God, you know what? He's totally trying to
rehabilitate his presidency
by changing the subject to a bunch of domestic
policies that even HE
won't remember next week. How's that Mars Mission
coming, Gomer? Are you
going to run the big rocket ships on switchgrass?

The pathetic thing is that the post-show pundits will
lap up this
bait-and-switch like dogs eating each other's puke.
It's "The New New Bush
I can read tomorrow's Peggy Noonan column already, "In
a bold and
sweeping change of direction, President Bush
demonstrated his magnanimity
toward the incoming Democrats by embracing a series of
brave and
groundbreaking environmental initiatives and frugal,
pragmatic economic
measures that are guaranteed to Restore Our Country to

Okay, really. Going out to smoke now. He's on 9/11 and
the War on
Terrah. I know how the rest of this goes. "Onward to

God, you know, I would give anything to see Nancy
Pelosi lean forward
and just smack him across the back of the head good
and hard. Then she'd
open her purse and give him a half stick of gum to
keep him quiet until
the end of the sermon like my grandma would.

Audi Alterum Partem
(Hear the other side)


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